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Jordyn Burch embodies everything we are trying to highlight in this world, and epitomizes someone who truly deserves to be recognized. By doing things with the sole purpose of helping those in need, and bringing a community closer together rather than further separating it, one can create a contagious energy - an energy that trickles down to those impacted by someone's generosity and continues to spread. These are the stories that need to be shared.

This is the story of a young lady who wanted nothing more for her birthday than to give back to the homeless and unsheltered in her community. She wasn’t exactly sure what shape that would take, but ever since she saw the conditions in which so many people in her community lived, she knew she had to do something. As fate would have it, she heard about the Central Louisiana Homeless Coalition's ‘Freeze to the Finish’ 5K happening two days after her birthday and knew that was what she wanted to do to celebrate. Jordyn could barely contain her excitement and began raising money. She stated visiting others in her community, raising donations and doing her part to bring everyone together. By race day, two days after her birthday, she had raised over $3,000 to help the homeless in her community. The Coalition was so grateful for the money she had raised they presented her with a certificate to commemorate her efforts, and some cupcakes as well to help celebrate her big day.  Jordyn Burch is eight years old - eight years and this special young lady chose to spend her birthday and the weeks leading up to it giving back to individuals in her community who truly were in need. “When I was 6, me and my family went to New Orleans and I saw lots of homeless people and it broke my heart..”

Jodryn has taught us all that it does not matter your age, or size, or resources, everyone can do things to help others and bring their communities closer together. These are the stories that should be shared with our children, these are the people that should be going ‘viral’. Jordyn Burch you inspire us all to be better people, we are so happy to share your story.