Our visitors' privacy is one of our most important concerns. We want you to know what our policy is. You can use our site, confident with the knowledge that we are committed to protecting your privacy and that of your data.
Recognize Someone will honor the confidentiality of our visitors' data or preference information. Recognize Someone will not read or disclose such private information except to comply with valid legal process.
Although Recognize Someone gathers aggregate information about different areas of the site, we do not use any navigational data about what you, as an individual visitor, do or access on our site. Nor do we share any of this data with anyone outside the company.
We do use the aggregated navigational information to monitor and improve the usefulness and effectiveness of the information and services we provide at our site. We may share the statistical information with our partners or outside companies, but we will not disclose individual or personal information, navigational or otherwise, except to comply with legal process.
All Recognize Someone employees must abide by Recognize Someone's privacy policy. Only authorized employees are allowed access to your personal information.
We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on certain pages of our website. These companies may use information (NOT including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.
Recognize Someone will inform you plainly and prominently, about our policy and any changes to it. A key part of Recognize Someone's commitment to protect your privacy is by informing you in simple, clear terms what our policy is. Although our overall goal of protecting your privacy will never change, we may from time to time, add or modify parts of the policy in keeping with the changes to the site. In those instances, we will notify you of such changes in a clear and prominent manner.
If you have questions or comments about our privacy policy, we encourage you to send us mail at someone AT recognizesomeone.com