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Not everyone leaves a lasting impression with those they meet, and that's to be expected. We can be so consumed in our own lives or distractions that face-to-face interactions sometimes go in one ear and out the other. But when someone takes the time to listen to someone else that crosses their path, and sympathize with them, they allow an impression to be made. When Donald Carter allowed a Popeyes employee to make an impression on him, it was a lasting one.

Carter got home late from work and hadn’t make plans for dinner, so he made an irregular trip to his neighborhood Popeyes where Shajuana Mays was waiting to help at the drive-thru. She was polite and engaging, with a special spark that he knew was bound for bigger and better things. He asked her what she wanted to do in life, and she told him she wanted to go back to school to become a nurse. He got is chicken and took it home to eat. As he sat there and ate he had a thought. “What if I pay for this girls school?” Carter knew he could not do it alone, but he also knew that he had 1,300 Facebook friends, and with a little help he could make this possible. So he reached out to his friends and in a week was able to raise over $13,000 for a complete stranger. It was far greater than his initial benchmark, but the community came together in a way that he could have never expected.

Shajuana had encountered setbacks in her life that put her dream on hold but this act left her speechless. Carter went on to say, “Any obstacles you have, we have a whole city and maybe even a nation to remove whatever roadblocks there are. “This is not about us, it’s about you… it’s about the community supporting somebody who wants to do better.” Well, we do recognize you Donald Carter, for your incredible act of compassion to improve the life of a stranger.


After a slow day at the station, a Myrtle Beach firefighter went on a call that would forever change his life. A women complaining of stomach pain developed into a serious call as the women began giving birth. “We got her some oxygen, started some IVs and literally as we were getting ready to leave the parking lot in the ambulance, my partner said, ‘We're about to deliver a baby right here.' We had no time to prepare. Before we could do anything — we hadn't even cut her clothes — Gracie came right out. Immediately she was handed to me."

Marc Hadden had been with the fire department for 20 years and never delivered a baby until this fateful day. They got the mom and baby to the hospital safely and both were doing well. Had that been the end of it, Hadden would have had a day he would not forget for a long long time. However, it turned into one he would remember with great clarity for the rest of his life.

Marc and his wife had been praying for a third child but were not being successful. At the hospital, Hadden learned that the mother wanted to put the baby up for adoption immediately. It was an answered prayer in the most unexpected manner. After talking to his wife, the Hadden’s brought Gracie home two days later, and she's forever part of their family now. We recognize you, Marc Hadden.


Celebrating a 20th wedding anniversary is a big deal in itself, to be able to look back on 20 years of memories that one another were able to share is truly a special connection that is not just given. It requires hard work and whole lot of love to hold that together. Traditionally, at this momentous point in a relationship a husband may spring for a beautiful set of china for his wife to impress her family and friends on special occasions. For Scott Chafain that just would not do. When he said his vows 20 years ago, he intended to keep them for as long as he live, and that is just what he is doing. In ‘sickness’ and in health he will be there for his wife Cindy.

Cindy, 45, has a polycystic kidney disease that has left her surviving on dialysis. She was diagnosed with the disease when she was just 22 but really started to feel the effects when she was 38, by 40 she was on a transplant list. Scott went right in to see if he was a match. As it turns out he was. Expectedly, Cindy was not ready to make that leap, asking for a donation is no easy task, and when the one you love most is involved it becomes even harder. However, her health declined, dialysis left her in pain and feeling as if she was unable to do her job as a mother. Scott began pushing the issue and doing his part encouraging her to take the next step.  When she was finally ready, Scott was already waiting. Cindy was overcome with emotion by the purest act of love she could have ever imagined. Certainly a hard gift to follow, however, it is one that will be enjoyed by Scott, Cindy and their children for a lifetime to come.


It takes a special person to go out of their way to make complete strangers’ days a little easier or better, but it takes a truly remarkable person to have the desire to inspire a community to spread kindness to all those around.

Cate Cook started small; leaving change taped to parking meters, flower bouquets in public  spaces, and bubbles on park benches, just things that she felt would improve other people's days. Her actions have inspired those around her, or those impacted by her good deeds to create a “kindness community”. Over 2800 people in the community have anonymously identified as a ‘kindness warrior’, passing on the gestures that Cate started.

Cate celebrated her 62nd birthday last week, she could think of no better way to celebrate than giving back to her community. She went around doing 62 different acts of kindness to improve other people's day. It took just over 7 hours to complete but she says it was well worth it.